The Wilson County Hospital Foundation updates this list each spring around Memorial Day before publishing in the Neodesha Derrick. Memorials may be mailed to Wilson County Hospital Foundation ,PO Box 360, Neodesha, Kansas 66757

With Remembrance

We remember those whose family and friends have so generously supported our Hospital Foundation since it was established in 1991.
Wilson County Hospital Board of Trustees & Administration
Wilson County Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees
Medical Staff, Employees and Auxiliary

Nicole Adams
Thomas V. Adams
Dr. & Mrs. F. T. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Alley
Charles Anderson
Albian �Ace� Bailey
James Clyde Bailie
Carrie Ann Basore
Glenn Bauman
Charles Beach
Marie Bender
W. Lee Bressie, Sr.
Robert Brinkley
Boyd Bryant
Augretta Naomi Campbell
Evelyn (Alley) Campbell
Virginia Campbell
Sharon Carr
George A. Carter
Doris Carver
Mavis Caskey
Ralph Caven
Leslie Chamberlain
Everett & Ethel Chronister
Florence Louise Claibourn
Mr. & Mrs. T. A. Cook
Lora Nadine Cram
Evelyn Crawford
Inez Crawford
Cecil A. Crisp
Ruth Crumley
Sadie (Shultz) Culbertson
Howard Dannels
Richard Dannels
Ethel Daugherty
Lester Daugherty
Cecil Davis
Rth Deer
Amy Fraser Deweese
Oliver Deweese
Ruth T. Edwards
Alfreda Erbe
Frederick C. Erbe
Mary A. Erbe
Hazel A. Estes
Ray Estes
Betty Failor
Leon Fawcett
Clarence E. Fenner
Dorothy Frey
Holly Sue Friess
Ed & Ida Gabel
Ruth Gausman
William C. Gausman
Tom Gillespie
Ethel May Goodmon
Pauline Gorton
Helen Grabner
Alta and Otis Graham
Franke (Crawford) Graham
Howard and Verlie Gray
Elsie Greer
Johnnie L. Greer
Jacob A. �Jack� Grubb, Jr.
William H. �Bill� Gudde
Paul and Dorothy Guess
Harlan C. and Mildred H. Guida
The Parents of Al Guinn
Elaine Gutschenritter
Albert Hall
William Harmon
Deena Harper
Evangeline A. Hastings
Vella Mae Hastings
Charlie Head
Ray E. Heller
Bonnie Hiatt
Kenneth Hiatt
Vella High
Hal and Earline Holcomb
Randy and Billy Holper
Pearl Marie Horner
William W. Howe
Loved Ones of Olive Hush
Joe and Mabel Hynek
Wiley and Jewell Ivy
Marjorie Johnson
Everett Jones
Mabel Irene Jones
Vera Jones
Anna Katzer
Alma Kebert
Omer Kern
John and Adah Kerner
Herbert F. Kiblinger
Paul A. Klayder, Jr.
Paul & Mary Twyman Klayder, Sr.
Reuben W. Klayder
Twyman J. Klayder
Bill Kneebone
Keith Berry Knickerbocker
Raymond Krause
Ed Krudwig
The Krudwig Family
James LaBarr
Dr. Donald Lee
Steven Keith Lee
Mildred (Satterlee) Lick
Cy Linvill
Bill Livingston
Christine Livingston
Jim Lowry
Robert Gail Lutke
Luther & Mary Lyon
Emma Marie Marshall
Virgie Maxwell
Charles �Chuck� Mayhood
Fred H. McCarter
C. A. McCullough
Margaret McCune
Iola McDaniel
John C. McDonald
Florence McKellar
Marilyn McKellar
Toni Meehan
Helen McDonald Metcalf
John E. Mitchell
Jewell Mong
Dr. & Mrs. F. A. Moorhead
Dr. & Mrs. J. L. Moorhead
Jack A. Moorhead
Joseph Morrow, Jr
Joseph Morrow, Sr.
Lois Myers
Inez Newby
William L. Nichol
Patricia Ogden
Walter Charles �Chuck� Olson
Orty E. Orr
Emma Park
Cleo Pennington
Robert L. and Alice Pettit
Dale Pfiefer
Clifford Phillips
Faye Phillips
Doris Pittman
Don B. Porter, Sr.
Geneva Rankin Porter
Shirley Lee Price
Bonnie Reece
Edna L. Reece
Madeline Riddle
Mary W. Riederer
Alta Rowe
Ben Scudder
E. Verne Seit z
Ralph Seward
Jessie B. & Edna Shacklette
Lowell Sharp
Gertrude Shinkle
Carter Lee Shoop
Emery R. Shoop
Grover Shultz
Harold Simpson
Carl Wayne Small
Anna Smalley
Myrtle Smalley
Alice E. Smith
Anna Smith
Margie Smith
Charles Stafford, Jr.
Jason Steele
Paul W. Stephens
Alice M. Stewart
Beulah Sumner
Russell Sumner
Frances Talley
Raymond Taylor
The Taylors (Claud, Viola, Ileta,
Larry, Austin, Cory)
The Taylor Family
April Thayer
Dorothy Thayer
Matthew Thayer
Isla L. Toothaker
Glenn & Reba Utt
David A. Vandaveer, Jr.
Hazel VanMatre
Lyle VanMatre
Doris Vaughn
Russell G. Vickers
Edward A. Violett
Alice M. Watson
Karen Hersh Weatherby
Roby & Gertrude White
Marjorie Whiteside
Glenn & Laura Wiley
Thestine Wilkes
Lois Williams
William E. �Bill� Willis
Ernest Wilson
Harold Wilson
Irene E. Wilson
Admin. Judge Willard Winter
Frank E. Wise
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wood