Dr. Sonya Culver joins WCH Staff

Dr. Sonya Culver recently joined Neodesha�s Center for Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine�s Medical Staff. Her commitment to the program includes completing a 6-day, Hyperbaric Medicine Team Training Course in San Antonio, Texas, approved by U.H.M.S. (Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society and the National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology). She also attended a seminar on Problem Wound Management.

Dr. Culver is committed to Southeast Kansas. She graduated with honors from Chanute High School, Neosho County Community College in Chanute, Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, Kansas, and the University Health Sciences of Osteopathic Medicine, Kansas City, MO. She completed her internship at Hillcrest Health Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Her honors include Board Certification in Family Practice by AOBFP, Beta Beta Beta Biological Science Fraternity, and election to Phi Honor Society and Alpha Omega Community Service Fraternity. Dr. Culver is also certified by the American College of General Practitioners, Kansas Osteopathic Association and Kansas Medical Society.

Dr. Culver has a family practice in Erie and St. Paul, is affiliated with Labette County Medical Center and schedules patients on Fridays between 9 AM and 3 PM at the Wound Care Center in Neodesha. Her family includes husband Dan and daughters, Sara Elizabeth, 3, and Abigail Marie, born October 5, 2003.

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